
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires MacGregor Industrial Supplies to outline its’ practices around Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking related to the business and its supply chains.

MacGregor Industrial Supplies is a key supplier for companies and individuals all over Scotland, sourcing products both nationally and internationally. We have a strict no-tolerance approach to any concerns of Slavery or Human Trafficking, and MacGregor Industrial Supplies uphold the same expectation that our customers and suppliers adhere to the same standard.

Actions Taken

The company recognises the need to adhere to Government Guidelines and therefore has taken the appropriate steps.

  • MacGregor Industrial Supplies have a Code of Conduct on Ethical Training Policy which sets out our policy on legislation, child labour, conditions of employment, wages and benefits, health and safety and the environment. The Code of Conduct have recently been updated to include our policy on human trafficking.
  • MacGregor Industrial Supplies will undertake all reasonable and practical steps, including factory, warehouse, and tied accommodations inspections and audits, ensuring our standards are being implemented.
  • We will assess any instances of non-compliance on a case-by-case basis and tailor remedial action appropriately.
  • We will only trade with those who fully comply with this policy, or those who are taking verifiable steps towards compliance.
  • We will endeavor to have suppliers audited via our supplier questionnaires, which highlights modern slavery. This will be measured as a Key Performance Indicator. (KPI)


You should always feel comfortable with the Human Resources department and confident you can approach with any issues.

  • If you believe someone to be in immediate danger, dial 999.
  • Otherwise, you should discuss any concerns with the Human Resources Department within MacGregor Industrial Supplies, who will then decide on the correct course of action. You should note this may involve contacting the police.


This statement have been approved by our Senior Management Team/ Board of Directors, who will review and update the policy as necessary on an annual basis.

John MacGregor

Managing Director
