Environmental & Pollution Prevention Policy

MacGregor Industrial Supplies Ltd is a forward thinking company that is committed to respecting, protecting and improving the local and global environment wherever possible. This policy provides an important statement of intent, against which this Company will be judged now and in the future

As with any organisation we can directly manage our own activities to improve our environmental performance.

MacGregor Industrial Supplies Ltd also acknowledges and accepts its responsibility to conduct its business in compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations which will be externally certified against BS EN IS014001:2015.

To accomplish the foregoing, Top Management has the responsibility to:-

  1. Establish an internal review procedure to identify environmental impacts of all functions within the organisation and to assess levels of compliance with applicable laws and regulations pertaining to the environment.
  2. Develop a program aimed at safe-guarding the quality of the environment and achieving compliance.
  3. Prevent pollution through effective measurement, monitoring and training mechanisms.
  4. Promote awareness and understanding of our Environmental Policy and work Programmes to all persons working for or on behalf of the organisation, giving them the responsibility and opportunity to identify and suggest environmental improvements.
  5. Report annually on regulatory compliance, issues and improvements.

Environmental & Pollution Statement

MacGregor Industrial Supplies Ltd has a vital interest in ensuring a clean, healthy environment.

Comply with ail relevant environmental legislation, permits, codes of practice, performance standards and voluntary requirements and where possible exceed these requirements.

Identify key environmental impacts and, through continuous improvement programmes, set objectives and targets to endeavour to avoid, reduce or control such aspects whilst maximising our positive environmental impacts.

MacGregor Industrial Supplies Ltd also relies on a healthy environment so that you, staff and customers, can enjoy the standard of living and healthy lifestyle that means so much to us today.

As technology advances and regulations change, MacGregor Industrial Supplies Ltd will continue to improve systems, reduce waste and efficiently utilise resources to meet the environmental challenges of the next century.

MacGregor Industrial Supplies Ltd will make available to interested parties, its environmental program and its environmental control activities.


Authorised by John MacGregor, Managing Director

  • Date Approved: July 2022
  • Review Date: By July 2025

July 2022 | IM02B | Version 1.0